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My name is Anhelina and I’m 24 years old. I live in Portugal for more than 15 years now, but I am originally from Ukraine. Currently, I’m frequenting a higher education course of “Foreign Languages and Cultures” in Escola Superior de Educação, in the city of Porto. Since I can remember, my life was strongly attached to Media, as I was always interested in what is happening around the world. Therefore, from a young age, I would often ask my parents to let me watch the news on TV. As a result, I had to learn to filter the information I was being exposed to, as I started to learn about it's side effects, and to become a more Media literate person.






I am Patrícia and I am 18. I am a Media student at ESE and, over the years, I have been establishing a relationship of some interest with that world. I started by watching television: the news, certain documentaries. After that, listening to radio began to captivate me, to get more information and to be aware of the news. Social networks were the next step in establishing my knowledge and closeness to the media. With them, I was able to understand how much we are influenced and persuaded by the media in general, as for example when a news item in big letters in red or even an Influencer selling any product convinces people of their view.







Hi! My name is Mariana Moreira and I’m 18. I’m a student at ESE and I attend to the Languages and Foreign Cultures course. 

Media have a big role in my life. Every day, they are present. One of my favourite things to do is watching TV. Through television, we can get a lot of information, but we can also be fooled.

This year, I started having a subject that is based on teaching students how to be media literate and not accept everything that is shown by media producers. Which I believe is important in our educational system. I think people have to have an active role and not give the control to media.






Hello, my name is Inês Martins, I'm 20 years old and I'm from Porto.

I am currently studying foreign languages and cultures at ESE, Porto. But before that, I was in International Relations, in the midst of law and economics.

I love languages and my dream is to travel around the world and get to know as many different places and cultures as possible.

I am an apologist for technology, so much so that I started to have access in my 12 years and has been present in my daily life.



Captura de ecrã 2020-01-03, às 18.22.42.
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